Symbol of the Government of Canada

AAFC Disclaimer

Living Labs Cloud Data Storage Platform Terms of Use
Access to the Living Labs Cloud Data Storage Platform (the Platform) is restricted to authorized users only. Although the Platform is managed and monitored by Agricultureand Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the data/information on the Platform is from sources internal and external to the Government of Canada.


  • You are an authorized user of the Platform.
  • The Platform may only be used to share data/information (soil quality, hydrographs, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, etc.) that pertain to approved Living Labs initiatives and to consult the data/information submitted by other users.
  • AAFC gives no warranty, express or implied, and accepts no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information on the Platform.
  • The Platform may only contain information up to the level of security Protected A and you are responsible to ensure that no data above that level is uploaded or saved to the Platform. Protected A information is information that, if compromised, could cause injury to an individual, organization or government. Examples include: contracts, tenders, unsolicited proposals, and pleadings.
  • The Platform may not be used to upload or save personal information as defined under the Privacy Act. This includes, for example, the age, marital status or address of an identifiable individual.
  • The Platform may not be used to upload or save Protected B information or anything above. Protected B information is information that, if compromised, could cause serious injury to an individual, an organization or government. Examples include: combinations of individual data elements (of Protected A information), contract negotiations, risk assessments, government decision-making documents, trade secrets, business-confidential records from producers, industry partners, individual’s finances.
  • Unauthorized use of the Platform, such as, but not limited to, using it for personal storage or storing either personal information as defined under the Privacy Act or information above Protected A, may result in the user’s access being revoked immediately.


  • AAFC reserves the right to monitor network activity on the Platform. That monitoring will be carried out for various purposes, such as assessing system or network performance, protecting government resources, and ensuring compliance with the intent of the Platform. All blocking and monitoring will be done in compliance with the Privacy Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • AAFC employs software programs to monitor network traffic and to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. This software receives and records the IP address of the computer/device that has contacted our website, the date and time of the visit and the pages visited. No attempt tolink these addresses with the identity of individuals visiting the Platform will be made unless an attempt to damage the Platform or criminal activity has been made. Thisinformation is collected pursuant to section 161 of the Financial Administration Act.The information may be shared with appropriate law enforcement authorities if suspected criminal activities are detected.

Access to information

  • All information transmitted and stored on Government of Canada networks and devices, whether professional or personal in nature, may be accessible under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, subject to exclusions and exemptions under these Acts.

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